
Bible Engagement


The Bible stands apart from any other literary work—it consists of an entire collection of books, each written by a diverse group of people, spanning centuries. What makes the Bible truly extraordinary is that its varied human writers found inspiration from a singular divine author—God himself. When referring to the scriptures, the apostle Paul uses the term “inspired by God,” which translates to “God-breathed” in Greek. That means the words of the Bible possess the potential to effect profound change and transformation in our lives. Paul goes on to help us understand that all of Scripture is “inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness.”

We hope this journal will help you do just that. This journal was created to help you get the most out of your biblical reading and study as you tap into the eternal truths God reveals to us throughout Scripture. And to help you create a plan and habit of reading the Bible on a regular basis.

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